Muncipal court evesham township new jersey
Muncipal court evesham township new jersey

muncipal court evesham township new jersey

Two years later, on October 20, 1967, the purchasers received a letter from the Evesham Municipal Utilities Authority advising them that the prior owners had not paid the water and sewer bills for the years 1963, 1964 and part of 1965, in the sum of $160.74, and stating that subsequent purchasers were responsible for the payment of such charges. Before making settlement the purchasers employed a title company for the purpose of obtaining a tax search pertaining to the premises, which search, dated July 22, 1965, did not reveal any recorded lien with respect to the water and sewer charges.

muncipal court evesham township new jersey

They acquired title to these premises on Augby a deed from Evesborough West Corporation for a purchase price in the amount of $13,990. McMenamin are the present owners of the premises known as 25 Princess Avenue, in Evesham Township, New Jersey. The relevant facts are undisputed and are set forth below.ĭefendant Evesham is a municipal utilities authority established pursuant to N.J.S.A. Power to shut off the water supply to an owner's premises in order to compel the payment of arrears due from a former owner. This matter involves cross-motions for summary judgment in order to determine whether, under New Jersey law, a municipal utilities authority has the Holly, for defendant (Powell & Davis, Mt. Georgiana, Camden, for plaintiffs (Capehart & Scatchard, Camden, attorneys). 14B-4, 5 andīurlington County,New Jersey, Defendant. McMenamin, his wife, Plaintiffs,ĮVESHAM MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY, a public bodyĬorporate and politicunder N.J.S.A.

Muncipal court evesham township new jersey